Perfect Game Management

Welcome, and congratulations on unlocking our Perfect Game Management Guide. Game Management, also known as Clock Management, is often the difference between WINNING and LOSING in close games of Football. This Game Management guide will make sure you ALWAYS have the upper hand in a close game.

Quick Tips (update soon)

Tools We Can Use
  • Blocking at least our HB or TE if the Line of Scrimmage is crowded
  • Block HB AND TE vs Heavy Blitzes
  • Motion Blocking can be really good to help vs some blitzes
What To Know
  • WR Drags, and HB Ins/Outs are great Hot Routes that can be added to numerous plays to help beat Man Coverage
  • Deep Posts as shown in the video can be smart routes to beat Man quicker/better


  • "There's More Than 1 Way To Skin A Cat..."

Talking Points

Set Up
  • Watch video in full, as this is a bit of an advanced topic
  • This game showcases one of the best examples of me LOSING a game due to poor Game & Clock Management