Defending The META

Table Of Contents

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Intro (New)

Set Up
  • This concepts can apply to ANY Defensive Formation in the game
  • Unless mentioned in specific video, copy the Coaching Adjustments from this video
  • Use A "Cover 2 Shell"
  • This covers the majority of META Offensive Formations, and this will apply to CFB too!
Set Up
  • Switch Stick should ALWAYS be "Pre-Planned"
  • For a more "Basic" Guide to Switch Sticking, checkout our guide here
Reminder: Spend time with each set up. There is a LOT of information in each one!

Bunch Defense

Set Up
  • Call Cover 2
  • Inside Quarter Bunch Side Safety
  • Outside Quarter Bunch Side Corner
  • Hard Flat Slot (or OLB)
  • Hard Flat or Soft Squat Solo Side Corner (Optional)
Set Up
  • Call Cover 2
  • Blitz 5 People
  • Shade Coverage Underneath
Set Up
  • Call Cover 2
  • Man Up Both Safeties Onto Outside WRs
  • Man Up Slot DB onto Slot WR
  • Man Up LB Onto TE
  • Deep Half Solo Side Corner

Trips Defense

Set Up
  • Call Cover 6
  • Have Base Align On
  • Man Up Vert Hook Linebacker onto HB (Optional)
Set Up
  • Have Zone Drops set to Flats: 30, Curl Flats: 5
  • Call Tampa 2
  • Shade Coverage Underneath
  • Put a Curl Flat on both sides of the field
Set Up
  • Call Cover 3
  • Seam Flat Trips Side
  • Hard Flat Trips Side
  • Cloud Flat TE Side
  • Deep Half TE Side
  • Remember: Zone Drops are set to Default for this

Tight Defense

Set Up
  • Call Any Play (or NON Match Cover 4)
  • Inside Quarter Both Safeties
  • Outside Quarter Both Corners
  • Curl Flats On Both Sides
  • You must be BASE ALIGNED
Set Up
  • Zone Drops: 30 Yard Flats, 5 Yard Curl Flats
  • Base Align Must Be Turned ON
  • Hard Flat Short Side CB 
  • Deep Half Short Side Safety

5 Wide & Undercenter Defense

Set Up
  • Call Cover 3 Seam Flat
Set Up
  • Call Cover 2
  • Man Up Player You're Most Worried About Being On An RPO
Set Up
  • Call Cover 2
  • Shade Coverage Underneath
  • Send 6 People On Blitz
  • Put an Inside Quarter & Outside Corner on Side You're Afraid Of Corner Route On