Make Reads Like A Pro

Welcome, and congratulations on unlocking our "Make Reads Like A Pro" Guide! Making reads is one of the most important skill gaps in all of Madden & College Football. This guide is going to give you all of the tools you need to make reads like the best players in the world. Let's get to work!

Quick Tips (update soon)

Tools We Can Use
  • Blocking at least our HB or TE if the Line of Scrimmage is crowded
  • Block HB AND TE vs Heavy Blitzes
  • Motion Blocking can be really good to help vs some blitzes
What To Know
  • WR Drags, and HB Ins/Outs are great Hot Routes that can be added to numerous plays to help beat Man Coverage
  • Deep Posts as shown in the video can be smart routes to beat Man quicker/better


  • Watch this video (and every video) in full
  • Identify Man/Zone, and No Blitz/Blitz Presnap
  • Call GOOD Plays
  • Everything in this course is beyond valuable, rewatch this as time goes on

How To Make Reads

  • We must be calling "Good" plays
  • Know the areas you're attacking, read those spaces
  • If someone is not open, move onto your next read
  • Typically, I read from Low to High
  • This video contains post-snap advice and random tips I've learned in over 5 years of passing the ball nearly every play