Dime 3-2 Defense

Table Of Contents

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This Defense got patched on 10/16 - a new Defense is on the way. For now, checkout our "Pro Tips" section


Set Up
  • 49ers Playbook
  • Always come out in DBL Safety Go
  • FS Zone Blitz only works on the Right Hashmark
  • In this Scheme I'll first breakdown the Base Set Ups, then we'll get into adjustments
Set Up
  • Each video is important. They're all under 5 Minutes Long. Watch them all!
  • Watch, then come back tomorrow and rewatch. You will learn 10x more your second time watching!

43 Over Defense

Set Up
  • Pinch Defensive Line
  • Slant Defensive Line Inside
  • User Hover As Shown
  • This video just showcases how the Disengage works
  • NOTE: You want your 4 Defensive Linemen to be FAST
Set Up
  • Set Up Disengage
  • Shade Coverage Underneath
  • This is a Switch Stick Style of Defense, watch our "How To Defend Popular Routes" for more of a showcase
Set Up
  • Set Up Disengage
  • This is a Switch Stick Style of Defense, watch our "How To Defend Popular Routes" for more of a showcase
Set Up
  • Set Up Disengage
  • Shade Coverage Underneath
  • This is a Switch Stick Style of Defense, watch our "How To Defend Popular Routes" for more of a showcase
Set Up
  • We have to be looking to Switch Stick routes that our Opponent is trying to Consistently Spam against us
  • We have to be looking to Switch Stick routes that our Opponent is trying to Consistently Spam against us
This section contains our Base Set Ups. Make sure you have your Audibles and Coaching Adjustments Set!

Base Defenses

Set Up
  • Auto Flip: Off
  • Base Alignment: Off
  • Zone Drop Curl Flats: 25
  • At the Left Middle Linebacker Spot, you MUST use a Safety!
  • Please see video & picture below for more details, and our Audibles
Set Up
  • Come out in DBL Safety Go
  • Immediately Audible to FS Zone Blitz
  • Inside Quarter the Blitzing Safety (Left Side Safety)
  • Shade Coverage Underneath
  • Note: This only works on the Right Hashmark
  • Note: In the Left Of Screen Middle Linebacker Spot, you MUST use a Safety!
Set Up
  • Come out in DBL Safety Go
  • Immediately Audible to DB Fire 2
  • See Adjustments video for my most common adjustments (click here to scroll)
Set Up
    • Come out in DBL Safety Go
    • Immediately Audible to Cover 4 Drop or Cover 3 Cloud
    • Shade Coverage Underneath
    This section contains my most popular adjustments from our two Blitz Defenses

    Coverage Adjustments

    Set Up
    • The Left Safety is a Rover. Use him to take away Seam Streaks, Man Up onto certain WRs, help play the Deep Sideline, or help in the Middle of the Field
    • I'll often cheat with my Slot Corners, and use them to help in the Middle of the Field if my opponent isn't attacking the Sideline
    • Switch Stick is incredibly important in this Defense
    Set Up
    • Find the WRs Side, then Cover 6 it as shown in the video
    • In short Yardage Situations, Shade your Coverage Underneath
    • When facing Tight Alignment, feel free to Inside Quarter your Safeties
    Set Up
    Easy Red Zone and Run Defense

    Redzone & Run D

    Set Up
    • 5-12 Yards away from the Endzone
    • I LOVE Cover 2 in this situation. Make them fit a tight throw!
    • Be active with your User, and look to Switch Stick!
    Set Up
    • Formation: 52 Play: Fire Zone 2
    • Spread Defensive Line
    • Blitz All Linebackers
    • Put both Safeties in Hook Curls
    • User Safety
    Set Up
    • User LB on HB Side
    • Shift DL Away From HB
    • Shoot Down W/ User As Shown