Civil's Arizona Trips Offense

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Set Up
  • Watch every video, and focus on learning one play at a time!
  • While this is from the "Arizona" playbook, you can run it from numerous formations. (Examples: Gun Trey, Gun Trips TE Wk, Gun Trey Offset, Gun Y Trips)
  • Goal of this Scheme is to allow you to use whatever Team & Playbook you want!
Set Up
  • Start w/ Civil's Favorite Plays
  • Watch one video at a time
  • Make sure you're setting them up EXACTLY at first. Then, once you understand them, you can build off of them
Set Up
  • Quick Cheat Sheet & FAQ for the Scheme
  • Keep in mind, this Scheme works with ANY Playbook that has a Trips style formation! (That's... a LOT of Playbooks)

Civil's Favorite Plays

Set Up
  • Streak Middle WR
  • Zig Inside WR
  • Deep Cross TE
Set Up
  • Streak TE
  • Comeback Outside WR
  • Block Or In HB
Set Up
  • Flat Middle WR
  • Custom Stem our TE to make him run a "Short Corner"
Set Up
  • Zig Middle WR
  • Comeback Outside WR
Set Up
  • These runs should make up 25-30% of our Playcalls at least
  • Make them respect & stop our RPO, Inside Zone, Read Option & Speed Options

Gun Trips TE Plays

Set Up
  • Streak Middle WR
  • Zig Inside WR
  • Deep Cross TE
Set Up
  • Flat Middle WR
  • Custom Stem Our TE To Become A "Short Corner"
Set Up
  • Streak Middle WR
  • Zig Inside WR
  • Custom Stem TE Down
  • Deep Cross Outside WR
Set Up
  • Streak TE
  • Comeback Outside WR
  • Block Or In HB
Set Up
  • These runs should make up 25-30% of our Playcalls at least
  • Make them respect & stop our RPO, Inside Zone, Read Option & Speed Options

Gun Y Trips Offset Wk

Set Up
  • Zig Middle WR
  • Comeback Outside WR
Set Up
  • Streak Middle WR
  • Deep Cross Outside WR
  • In Route / Block HB
Set Up
  • To Run The Motion Screen, Run To The Wide Side And Pass Lead Up
  • For Motion Spot, Drag TE & Slant Slot
Set Up
  • Good for 1x a Game on Offense
  • Do NOT run if they are blitzing

Gun Tight Y Off & Wide Stack

Set Up
  • Streak TE
  • Zig Outside Left WR
  • Deep Cross Left Slot WR
Set Up
  • Snap The Damn Ball
Set Up
  • The Wide WR Splits allow us to take HUGE advantage of the Defense in the Run & RPO Game


Quick Redzone Guide
Set Up
  • Shotgun Jet Sweeps & Touch Passes are GREAT inside the Redzone. Super easy to get outside
  • Speed & Load Options are really good down here. Don't love Undercenter "Read" options
  • HB on the Short Hashmark. Put him on a Corner, put another receiver on a Flat. Make High-Low Read