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Stopping Touch Passes & Jet Sweeps

Set Up
  • This goes over CONCEPTS. Apply to any Defense. There is no "one" way to do it 
  1. You MUST get your User looping towards the Touch Pass, as shown
  2. Do NOT blitz the Middle
  3. You can SHIFT your entire Defense to help out
  4. Make sure you have numbers on the Jet Sweep side (usually the HB side). Feel free to get your Slot Corner on that side
Set Up
  • This goes over CONCEPTS. Apply to any Defense. There is no "one" way to do it 
  1. You MUST get your User looping towards the Touch Pass, as shown
  2. Do NOT blitz the Middle
  3. You can SHIFT your entire Defense to help out
  4. Make sure you have numbers on the Jet Sweep side (usually the HB side). Feel free to get your Slot Corner on that side
Stopping Touch Passes & Jet Sweeps

jet, sweeps, touch