- Watch the video for Live Examples of how to block every META Blitz
- To block Loop Blitzes use Play Action then Block or Hot Route the HB
- Against a DT Loop (like from 61), Double Team the DT who is Looping
- Against an Overload Blitz (like from 34 Odd), block the TE then ID the Outside Corner opposite of the TE
- Against DBL Mug, block the TE
- Watch the video for Live Examples of how to block every META Blitz
- To block Loop Blitzes use Play Action then Block or Hot Route the HB
- Against a DT Loop (like from 61), Double Team the DT who is Looping
- Against an Overload Blitz (like from 34 Odd), block the TE then ID the Outside Corner opposite of the TE
- Against DBL Mug, block the TE