Other Bunch X Nasty Plays

Corner Out Dig 1

Set Up
  1. Streak TE
  2. Flat HB
Set Up
  1. Streak TE
  2. Flat HB
Corner Out Dig 1
Zone Beater
Simple Flood Concept. Could easily run this with your Bunch to the Wide or Short Side

Mesh Spot 1

Set Up
  • Lions PB Only
  1. Streak Point WR
  2. Flat Iso WR
  3. Flat Outside WR
Set Up
  • Lions PB Only
  1. Streak Point WR
  2. Flat Iso WR
  3. Flat Outside WR
Mesh Spot 1
Zone Beater
Quick check both flats, then look for our Seam Wheels. This one is a tough read, but is a very powerful play

Mesh Spot 2

Set Up
  • Lions PB Only
  1. Corner Route TE
  2. Streak Slot
  3. Flat Outside WR
  4. Flat Solo WR
Set Up
  • Lions PB Only
  1. Corner Route TE
  2. Streak Slot
  3. Flat Outside WR
  4. Flat Solo WR
Mesh Spot 2
Man Beater
Simple Flood Concept on the right side. Our Flat/Wheel on the Weak Side can be used as an easy Man/Zone Beater

Mtn Y Corner Under 1

Set Up
  1. Drag Iso WR
  2. Streak HB
  3. Corner TE
  4. Streak Point WR
Set Up
  1. Drag Iso WR
  2. Streak HB
  3. Corner TE
  4. Streak Point WR
Mtn Y Corner Under 1
Everything Beater
Quick check the TE Seam and the Drag. Then read the HB, Return Route, and Corner

MTN HB Choice 1

Set Up
  1. Streak Outside Bunch WR
  2. Post TE
  3. Flat / Block HB
Set Up
  1. Streak Outside Bunch WR
  2. Post TE
  3. Flat / Block HB
MTN HB Choice 1
Zone Beater
This can be used as a big time Shot Play. Make sure you watch the video for how to correctly use this!