DBL Mug Defense

Formation Specific Coverages

Trips Coverages

Set Up
  1. Set Up Base Blitz
  2. Press Coverage
  3. Shade Coverage Outside
  4. Deep Half Safety On Trips Side
Set Up
  1. Set Up Base Blitz
  2. Press Coverage
  3. Shade Coverage Outside
  4. Deep Half Safety On Trips Side
Trips Coverages
This is a Base Coverage Shell for Trips TE. The big things to look out for here are the Corner from the TE, and the quick Drag from the TE

Tight Formations

Set Up
  1. Set Up Base Blitz
  2. Show Blitz
  3. Man Up Slot CB to Slot WR
  4. Man Up User To TE
  5. Deep Half Safeties
  6. Soft Squat Outside Corners
Set Up
  1. Set Up Base Blitz
  2. Show Blitz
  3. Man Up Slot CB to Slot WR
  4. Man Up User To TE
  5. Deep Half Safeties
  6. Soft Squat Outside Corners
Tight Formations
This is a Basic Shell specific for "Tight" Formations. Keep in mind, most Tight Sets are looking to attack with Corner Routes, or up the Seams. Our C4 Quarters from above is also great here.

Bunch Formations

Set Up
  1. Set Up Base Blitz
  2. Show Blitz
  3. Man Up MLB To TE
  4. Curl Flat Slot CB
  5. Curl Flat Weak Side Safety
  6. Contain
Set Up
  1. Set Up Base Blitz
  2. Show Blitz
  3. Man Up MLB To TE
  4. Curl Flat Slot CB
  5. Curl Flat Weak Side Safety
  6. Contain
Bunch Formations
This defense is specific for Bunch. Keep in mind, this should work WITH our other Set Ups, not be our only Coverage vs Bunch.