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5 Wide Defensive Gameplay

Set Up
  • This is a Gameplay video of me playing Defense against 5 Wide!

Few Tips:

  1. Protect the Seams! You must always be aware of the Seams vs 5 Wide
  2. Don't blitz more than 4. Ideally, you have a 4 Man Blitz that comes in well
  3. You must be ACTIVE with your User
Set Up
  • This is a Gameplay video of me playing Defense against 5 Wide!

Few Tips:

  1. Protect the Seams! You must always be aware of the Seams vs 5 Wide
  2. Don't blitz more than 4. Ideally, you have a 4 Man Blitz that comes in well
  3. You must be ACTIVE with your User
5 Wide Defensive Gameplay

5, wide