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Pocket Presence is one of those "little things"
that separates the pros from the average players,
and carries over Madden to madden
You want to ensure you STEP UP in the Pocket.
This does NOT mean walk all the way up, but
you should not be walking back
Most blitzes have people coming free of of the edge.
By stepping up, you'll force those free rushers to have
to take a wider angle to the QB, giving you more time
You MUST be comfortable with throwing the ball
away, especially vs Heavy Blitzes!
This is fundamental drill. All you're going to do is ensure that
you are pushing your left stick up, to stop the drop back of your
QB, and if possible, stepping up into the pocket
Most blitzes have people coming free of of the edge.
By stepping up, you'll force those free rushers to
take a wider angle to the Quarterback, giving you
more time
This is a combination of the previous two
drills. Without being able to make the correct
reads, what good is good pocket!?