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@MisterCiv it's crazy I can take months off madden get back on run your scheme and still blow out people ranked in top 500

This is the Super Bowl America needed. Civil.GG made it happen
Warning, Civil.GG will cause your opponents to RAGE QUIT. @TapXMikey @MisterCiv
Just sub to, instantly made me better. especially for someone who has little time to keep up with the META
@MisterCiv @TapXMikey SB #10 in the books. Folks should signing up for because it is the way. Pats Trip TE and the 4-3 61 have really got me in a good place. #Madden24
Just won a game with Cameron Latu, Civil.GG is goated
Civil.GG got me to the Super Bowl.. it's amazing. It's the only reason I'm a decent player lmao
Get Civil.GG ASAP
(Civil) your Civil.GG Membership helped me win my first Super Bowl this year them schemes are legit