10 Route Combos That Always Work

Route Combo 1


  • We want a Flat Route, a Shallow Crosser, and a Deep Crosser all on the same side of the field
  • Simple 3 Man read between the Flat, Shallow Cross, and Deep Cross.

Route Combo 2


  • We want a Short Flat, an Intermediate/Deep Flat, and a Clearout Route
  • Simple 3 area read. Check Short Flat, then Intermediate/Deep Flat, then check the backside route.

Route Combo 3

Flat, Wheel, Post

  • Takes advantage of having a Flat, Wheel, & Post all on the same side.
  • These routes are well spaced out, so just attacking open space created between the 3 main recieving options.

Route Combo 4


  • Utilizes a Slant & Post crossing, with a Clearout Route on the same side that the Post is attacking. Flat route is used to push Zones to the sideline.
  • Reading the Slant & Post as they cross one another, and as they work closer to the sidelines. Our Flat Route quick & late read.

Route Combo 5

Double Corners

  • Here we have a Deep Corner and a Clearout on each side.
  • This is a big hitter route combo, looking to read both Corner Routes deep.

Route Combo 6


  • The Slot Streak/Seam is key here. The Outside Streak pushes the Defense to the Sidelines, and our Inside Route helps force zones inside.
  • Looking to make the read between the Seam & our Inside Routes

Route Combo 7

Delayed Verticals

  • Utilizes a Short Wheel from an Inside WR. Have an Outside Pulling Route outside of it, and an Inside Pulling route inside.
  • Since we're flooding the middle of the field with this play, we're looking to read the open space being attacked by our inside WRs.

Route Combo 8


  • We need a Intermediate Crossing Route, a Sit Route, and a Flat all on the same side.
  • Making the read to open space between the Post, Sit, and Flat Route.

Route Combo 9

Outside Flood

  • This inverts our usual Flood Concept. Need a C Route from the Outside, then a Clearout from the Slot WR and a Flat.
  • Reading open space on the sideline we're attacking.

Route Combo 10

Hi-Low Cross Drag

  • This utilizes an Intermediate Crossing Route, a Drag, and a Complimentary Route.
  • Similar to Levels, but we're removing the Flat, and adding the Complimentary Route to our Reads.

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